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Request for Applications: SOAP/Kybele Grant

SOAP/Kybele International Outreach Gran

The Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) is pleased to announce that it is seeking applications for the inaugural SOAP/Kybele International Outreach Grant.  The application deadline will be August 26, 2011, with expected funding of the grant in fall/winger 2011.  It is anticipated that the grant will be awarded on an annual basis starting in 2011.

The goal of this program is to provide funding needed to get involved with international outreach projects in collaboration with Kybele in order to identify and train future leaders in international outreach from SOAP members.  Specifically the grant is designed to encourage research in collaboration with host countries with the goal of enhancing the practice of obstetric anesthesia in those countries.

The SOAP/Kybele International Outreach Grant will provide $5,000 to cover travel and related expenses for two trips to a country where a Kybele program is ongoing.

Click Here for Application Guidelines.
