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Kybele Offers Global Health Experiences During Residency

OB anesthesia fellows, Dr. Matt Hatch (left) Wake Forest and Dr. Onyi Onuoha (right) University of Pennsylvania,  help set up a donated anesthesia machine.  By Medge Owen Global health opportunities offer unconventional educational experiences for senior-level resident and fellow physicians. It allows them the satisfaction of giving back as they share the medical knowledge they’ve […]

Local Health Care Workers Plan Medical Teaching Trip to Ghana

WINSTON-SALEM, N.C. – Four Winston-Salem residents will join a group of 16 obstetric & gynecology and pediatric specialists from across the United States, Croatia and Canada for a medical teaching trip to Ghana on Friday, January 26, through an organization called Kybele (Key-bell-a). The local volunteers include: ▪ Medge Owen, M.D., Kybele founder and associate professor of […]