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Students Return to Ghana with The Bridge Project

Students Return to Ghana with The Bridge Project By Jozy Unal, member of The Bridge Project In June, five American students — Elizabeth Bray, Martha Dean, Jozy Unal, Bray Barto and Katherine Bray — traveled to Ghana for a week and a half to more deeply understand the needs of Ghanaian students as part of […]

Kybele Launches Ukraine Project Site

Kybele Launches Ukraine Project Site By Elizabeth Colburn, Kybele Administrative Assistant Kybele has officially expanded its focus into Ukraine and launched a project site in the country! In April 2019, a Kybele team spent two weeks in Ukraine and accomplished an incredible amount of work while forging strong partnerships with providers throughout the country. During […]

World-Renowned Musicians Benefit Kybele with Concert

World-Renowned Musicians Benefit Kybele with Concert By Sebnem Ucer, Kybele Accounts Manager On May 17, world-renowned musicians came together to put on a Benefit Concert in Winston-Salem, N.C., to raise awareness and funds for Kybele. The event was initiated by Dr. Nate Tighe—an educator, trumpeter, vocalist, arranger, composer and pediatric cardiac anesthesiology fellow at Boston […]

Major Strides in Kybele’s Saving Lives at Birth Initiative in Ghana

Major Strides in Kybele’s Saving Lives at Birth Initiative in Ghana By Erin Pfeiffer, Kybele Grants Manager We are honored to be a Round Eight awardee of the internationally recognized Grand Challenges Saving Lives at Birth program — one of Kybele’s most prestigious recognitions to date. In 2019 and 2020, Kybele is scaling our proven, […]

Kybele Assists Ghana’s Second Pediatric Intensive Care Unit

Kybele Assists Ghana’s Second Pediatric Intensive Care Unit By Dr. Nathan Tighe, Kybele team member In January 2018, Dr. Alan Woodruff, Dr. Nate Tighe and nurse Melina Burns were invited to provide an educational program for the staff of a brand new Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) at Korle Bu Teaching Hospital in Accra, Ghana. […]