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Kybele Coordinates Non-Medical Service Project in Ghana

Parents, Students and Teachers of Classroom 1 at Winston-Salem Montessori School in Winston-Salem, NC conducted a non-medical service project for the students in Accra, Ghana.  The response was overwhelming and greatly appreciated.  Over 235 items were donated including textbooks and school supplies.  

The sister classroom in Ghana is comprised of children aged 3-6 at the Bethany Primary School, a school for children aged 2-12.  The children that attend this school are from the surrounding countryside.  Many of the parents can pay the tuition dues, but many cannot affort supplies or textbooks.  School supplies and children’s books are in very low supply country wide, however, the teachers have a passion for teaching and utilize even the smallest items to convey an idea or concept.  During a visit to Ghana, Kybele team members distributed the donated supplies directly to the students.  The teacher of that class told the children, “I wish I was a child, to receive these wonderful things and have new friends from far, far away!  How wonderful this is!”  The children did their traditional clap to show approval and appreciation.

Because of the amount of donations, the Kybele team members visited another class for students aged 6-9 and distributed supplies and books to that class as well.  The students at Winston-Salem Montessori had made a lovely book as a gift to the students in Accra and the book was read to both classes.  

In addition to distributing supplies at Bethany Primary School, Kybele team members traveled to a very poor school where class size was approximately 50-70 students per classrrom.  A copy of the Montessori book was given to these children as well.  These children also received donated supplies.

The goodness given was much needed and extremely appreciated.  

