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Major Accomplishments for Kybele in 2013

On behalf of the Board of Directors and staff of Kybele, we wanted to take this opportunity to thank all our 2013 financial supporters and team participants. Your support along with other individuals and businesses has helped us to achieve many things this year and we would like to highlight the following:

  • Kybele, along with Access Bank Ghana, assisted with the renovation of space to the NICU at Ridge Regional Hospital in Accra, Ghana, potentially saving hundreds of lives.
  • Kybele became a registered corporation in Ghana, Africa. Kybele-Ghana is a subsidiary of Kybele, Inc. and we have hired staff in Ghana to help manage our operations.
  • Kybele is currently helping to establish national guidelines in Armenia for regional and obstetric anesthesia.
  • Kybele hired a new grant-writer/grand administrator on our US staff.
  • Kybele took a full medical team to Vietnam – a new and growing program.
  • The Kybele Team along with host physician, Dr. Emmanuel Srofenyoh took home two prestigious awards from the Society for Obstetric Anesthesia and Perinatology (SOAP) Annual Conference. These awards were in recognition of our successful work in Ghana.
  • In addition to these awards, Kybele had 7 abstracts presented at SOAP demonstrating improvements in healthcare in 4 countries.
  • Kybele Team Members published an article in the International Journal of Gynecology and Obstetrics about our work in the Republic of Georgia.
  • Kybele partnered with the Ghana Health Service and North Carolina based organizations to assist with The Bridge Project, a service project that provided a new library building, computers, and internet service to a local school in Accra.
  • Kybele was chosen by a film crew at Wake Forest University to create a documentary about our work that will be released in 2014.
  • Kybele continued to expand our programs in Ghana, Serbia, Vietnam, Armenia and Romania.
  • Kybele launched an updated and expanded website in 2013.
  • We had a total of 62 trip participants travel in 2013 along with $125,000 in in-kind contributions.

Kybele would not have accomplished this much without monthly and annual donors and we are so grateful. 
