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OAA Pencilpoint Article – Georgia 2009

Kybele Worldwide Outreach Programme to Republic of Georgia Spring 2009

Article by Dr. Julia Mörch-Siddall, Consultant Obstetric Anaesthetist, Royal Victoria Infirmary Newcastle upon Tyne
Printed in 2010 – OAA Pencilpoint Magazine

The programme in Georgia begin in 2004, the focus of which has been to change clinical practice:  To reduce the rate of general anaesthesia for caesarean section (initially 100%), to increase the rate of regional anaesthesia for caesarean section, to introduce the use of epidural analgesia for labour and to enhance neonatal resuscitation techniques.  Our attempts have had more than modest success, as the caesarean section rate under regional in some establishments is now over 96%.  Our visit in Spring 2009 was for one week and included hosting a joint obstetric and anaesthetic conference, with ‘hands on’ teaching in four hospitals.

I purchased my ticket to Tbilisi, Georgia two days before hostilities broke out between Russia and Georgia in August 2008.  Consequently, the trip was postponed until the following March.  I first boarded a plane when I was 11 years old, but must admit to feeling a little nervous boarding the plane to Tbilisi…Click to read full article.
