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OAA Pencilpoint Magazine Highlights Kybele Romania Program

The Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association (OAA) recently published an article in the No. 29 Autumn 2009 edition of Pencilpoint Magazine.  The article was submitted by Kybele Team Member, Claire Barker, Specialist Registrar in Anesthesia at Southern General Hospital in Glasgow.

…In May 2008, our Kybele team of 13 volunteers from the USA, UK, and Australia, traveled to Romania.  The team comprised 12 physicians (3 obstetricians, 8 anesthetists and an intensive care physican with a special interest in peripartum critical care), and one midwife.  We were lucky our team leader, Virgil Manica, is originally from Romania, and took great delight in introducing us to his country…

Click here to read full article.
