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Owen Receives Global Health Award

Several North Carolina women – including author and poet Dr. Maya  Angelou – were honored for their work to improve the lives and health of  women and girls around the world during the Maya Angelou Center for Women’s Health and Wellness inaugural “An Evening  Celebration of Women” which was held September 29, 2012 at Forsyth  Medical Center. Proceeds from the event will be used for education and  early detection programs at the center and concluded our three-day  health summit, which attracted more than 200 participants to join  international health experts to explore pressing health issues.

Dr. Angleou received The Lifetime Achievement Award  for her encouragement of women to be their own advocates and for her  partnership with Forsyth in establishing the Center for Women’s Health  & Wellness, which opened in July.

Medge Owen, a professor at Wake Forest School of Medicine and an obstetric anesthesiologist at Forsyth Medical Center, received The Global Women’s Health Award for her KYBELE organization, which works to support safe childbirth practices at a minimal cost in locations internationally.

Also honored were:
Charlotte entrepreneur Molly Baker, founder of Girls on the Run, won the National Women’s Health Award for her success in building self-esteem and active lifestyles among girls in communities across the country and beyond.

Raleigh’s Camille McGirt, a public health major at UNC Chapel Hill, was given the Regional Women’s Health Award for her organization, Healthy Girls Save the World, which promotes healthy minds, bodies and relationships in North Carolina girls ages 8 to 15.
