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Welcome New Board Members

By Kimber Whanger

Kybele would like to welcome and recognize the following new members who recently joined our Board of Directors. Even though Dr. Curtis Baysinger and Nancy Pearson, R.N., are new to the board, they are definitely not new faces to Kybele. Baysinger is an associate professor of anesthesiology at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tenn. He is a longtime Kybele donor and also serves as the co-team leader for the Serbia project. Baysinger has traveled several times with Kybele, and we are delighted to have him in this leadership position. Nancy Pearson is nurse manager of labor and delivery at Novant Health Forsyth Medical Center in Winston-Salem, N.C. Pearson has traveled multiple times as a team member for the Kybele Ghana project and has been an integral part of developing the triage training materials and teaching at Ridge Regional Hospital in Accra, Ghana. We are excited to have her enthusiastic ideas and leadership on the board.

