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Dr. Owen Speaks at Grand View University

Written by Dayne Logan
Kybele’s story fell on a roomful of new ears Monday, Oct. 12, when Founder and President Dr. Medge Owen visited Des Moines, Iowa’s Grand View University as part of the school’s Global Vision Week. Owen showed a brief documentary on Kybele and spoke to 100-plus interested students, faculty and staff members about the state of birthing methods in developing countries throughout the world.
Grand View University is a private institution that serves approximately 2,500 students in central Iowa. It’s Global Vision Week is an annual event devoted to connecting students, faculty and staff to issues that are impacting the world in hopes of inspiring engagement and improving global awareness. This year’s event was focused around the theme of Global Health, making Owen’s participation a natural fit. Kybele E-Newsletter Editor Dayne Logan is on faculty at Grand View and worked to coordinate the visit and obtain sponsorship from Grand View’s student government.
Although event attendees came from a variety of academic disciplines, Owen’s presentation was particularly well attended and well received by those in Grand View’s nursing department. Prof. Melissa Larsen brought an entire class of nursing students with her and later shared the documentary with students in other classes.
Other event attendees showed their support for Kybele by purchasing more than $500 in merchandise that will go toward supporting the work of Owen and her Kybele colleagues.

