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 Kybele was born in response to the devastating number of preventable deaths of both mothers and babies that happen during pregnancy and childbirth every day across the globe.

To address the inequitable healthcare problems facing women and babies, Kybele strengthens health systems by using inquiry-based learning to develop custom healthcare innovations and to implement those solutions through international partnerships.

This mission began when our founder, Dr. Medge Owen, through an international fellowship, observed medical practices abroad that were 30-40 years behind the current medical standards. She believed that through data-informed innovations and local partnerships, they could find ways to close the gap. In 2001, that vision became Kybele, Inc.

Today, Kybele focuses on scalable solutions for preventing deaths in communities with resource challenges. These solutions are evidence-based, proven to work in low-resource contexts, and measured for impact, to ensure that they result in desired outcomes.

Our local partners are the backbone of our organization. They help assess and implement programs, resulting in boots-on-the-ground ownership of healthcare solutions and providing the power for lasting change.

From implementing triage systems and improving advanced neonatal care, to developing technological solutions for obstetric referrals to developing obstetric anesthesia guidelines, Kybele produces practical, cost-effective solutions, because, at the end of the day, the outcomes are measured in lives saved.



Kybele creates healthcare partnerships across borders to improve childbirth safety.


To have a world in which childbirth is safe and supported for every woman and newborn.


COMPASSIONATE CARE: We model and foster a local environment that is characterized by compassionate care, affording dignity and respect to every mother and newborn.

EVIDENCE-BASED CARE: We hold providers to an evidence-based standard and generate locally-valid evidence where it does not exist.

LOCALLY-GROWN CARE: We transfer power and responsibility to local healthcare providers and work with them to improve care in their context.


We bring globally-minded healthcare professionals together to work in teams that travel to host countries. We work alongside doctors and nurses in their home environments. Kybele team members donate their time and experience to provide hands-on training in techniques that improve healthcare safety. Our goal is to prevent childbirth related injury and death which affect millions of women and newborns each year. We integrate the doctors we train into the teams that go to other countries, promoting a spirit of equality and cooperation within our global network.

Harnessing the Power of Crystals for Prosperity: Discover the best crystals for prosperity at our online store, where abundance meets harmony effortlessly.


The following visual slide show highlights Kybele’s impact and reach as of November 2023.