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The journal of the American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc 

Kybele’s article on establishing practice guidelines in Armenia made the front cover of Anesthesiology, published by The American Society of Anesthesiologists, Inc. August 2017.



















  • Şükran Ş, Owen MD. (eds.) Doğumda Analjezi Sezaryende Anestezi.  Bursa, Turkey Medyay Kitabevi 2018.

  • Şahin Ş, Owen MD (eds.) Ağrisiz Doğum ve Sezaryende Anestezi. Bursa, Turkey: Nobel & Güneş Tip Kitabevi 2006.





  • Baysinger C, Pujic B, Serafin J, Shotwell M, Owen M, Velickovic I. Individual anesthesiologist use of regional anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a Serbian obstetric hospital. American Society of Anesthesiology Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 24, 2016 (poster presentation) A3024.

  • Bamber A, Washburn L, Owen M, Lambeth C. Improving hand hygiene among physicians and nurses in the NICU in Armenia through a multimodal hand hygiene strategy. International Health Conference 2016, King’s College London, England June 20-22, 2016  (poster presentation).

  • Brathwaite KP, Owen M, Kamath-Rayne B, Moyer L. Resuscitation training and neonatal outcomes at a referral hospital in Ghana. Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, Baltimore, MD, April 30-May 3 2016 (Poster presentation) Pub#:2842.350.

  • Goodman DM, Floyd L, Bryce F, Ramaswamy R, Srofenyoh E, Owen M. Implementing a triage system to reduce waiting time and prioritize care for high-risk obstetric patients in a Ghanaian regional hospitalSOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-37

  • Goodman DA, Ramaswamy R, Jeuland M, Srofenyoh E, Engmann C, Owen M. The cost effectiveness of a quality improvement program to reduce maternal mortality in a West African regional hospital. SOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-38.

  • Hatch DM, Potisek MG, Brennan K, Atito-Narh E, Olufolabi A, Owen M. Where are they now? A survey of the graduates of nurse anesthesia training school at Ridge Regional Hospital in Ghana. SOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-39.

  • Pujic B, Owen M, Baysinger C, Shotwell MS, Serafin J, Velickovic I. The influence of an international teaching program on the use of neuraxial analgesia for labor and regional anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a Serbian obstetric hospital. SOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-40.

  • Velickovic I, Pujic B, Owen M, Shotwell MS, Serafin J, Baysinger C. The influence of an individual obstetrician on the use of regional anesthesia for cesarean section in a Serbian obstetric hospital. SOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-41.

  • Baysinger C, Pujic B, Serafin J, Shotwell M, Owen M, Velickovic I. Individual anesthesiologist use of regional anesthesia for cesarean delivery in a Serbian obstetric hospital. SOAP 48th Annual Meeting. Boston, MA, May 18-22, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract SA-43.

  • Owen MD, Floyd E, Bryce F, Ramaswamy R, Pearson N, Morgan K, Kim SM, Ucer S, Tettah C, Srofenyoh EK. Implemention of a triage system to reduce wait time and prioritize care for high-risk obstetric patients in a regional hospital in Accra, Ghana. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, 7th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 8-11, 2016 (Oral presentation) Abstract 16. Published in The Lancet Global Health April 2016.

  • Ramaswamy R, Kallam B, Srofenyoh E, Owen M. Multi-tiered quality improvement strategy to reduce maternal and neonatal death in complex delivery systems in Ghana. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, 7th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 8-11, 2016 (Oral presentation) Abstract 24. Published in The Lancet Global Health April 2016.

  • Hawley C, Bray E, Unal J, Barto B, Lovell C, Lovell P, Barto S, Hawley R, Owen M. The Bridge Project: Linking US to Ghanaian children to foster service and education. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, 7th Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, April 8-11, 2016 (Poster presentation) Abstract:2.021_MDG.


  • Velickovic IA, Pujic B, Baysinger C, Braveman FR, Owen MD. The Influence of an International Teaching Program on the Use of Regional Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in a Serbian Obstetric Hospital, The American Society of Anesthesiologists Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA, October 24-28, 2015 (Poster presentation) A3124

  • Yuill G, Amroyan A, Millar S, Vardapetyan E, Habib H, Owen M. Obstetric anesthesia in Armenia: progress over an eight year journey.  SOAP 47th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, May 13-17, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract F-28.

  • Baysinger B, Velickovic I, Pujic B, Braveman F, Owen M. A survey of Serbian anesthesiologists’ use of regional anesthesia for labor analgesia and cesarean delivery. SOAP 47th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, May 13-17, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract S-15.

  • Velickovic I, Pujic B, Baysinger C, Braveman F, Owen M. The Influence of an International Teaching Program on the Use of Regional Anesthesia for Cesarean Section in a Serbian Obstetric Hospital. SOAP 47th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, May 13-17, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract S-27.

  • Hatch D, Owen M, Herschmiller E, Atito-Narh E, Olufolabi A.  Novel use of Magnesium to treat Refractory Status Epilepticus after accidental intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid.  SOAP 47th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, May 13-17, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract S-16.

  • Mauritz A, Olufolabi A, Srofenyoh E, Owen M, Ntiamoah E. Reduction of Maternal Mortality in Ghana: Is an Obstetric Early Warning System the answer? SOAP 47th Annual Meeting, Colorado Springs, CO, May 13-17, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract T-01.

  • Herschmiller E, Hatch D, Owen M, Atito-Narh E, Olufolabi A. Refractory status epilepticus after inadvertent intrathecal injection of tranexamic acid treated by magnesium sulfate therapy. ASRA 40th Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 14-16, 2015 (Poster presentation) Abstract 229.


  • Ramaswamy R, Owen M, Srofenyoh E. Building integrated clinical and operational capacity to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality at Ridge Regional Hospital at Accra, Ghana. Annals of Global Health 2014;80(3):192.

  • Velickovic I, Pujic B, Baysinger C, Owen M. The Influence of an international teaching  program on the use of regional anesthesia for cesarean section in a Serbian obstetric hospital over a two year period. Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology 46th Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada, May 14-18, 2014 (Poster presentation), S-61.

  • Ramaswamy R, Owen M, Srofenyoh E. Building integrated clinical and operational capacity to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality at Ridge Regional Hospital, Accra, Ghana. Consortium of Universities for Global Health, 5th Annual Global Health Conference, Washington DC, May 10-12, 2014 (Poster presentation) PO02.106.


  • Pujic B, Velickovic I, Baysinger C, Owen M. The influence of an international teaching program on the use of regional anesthesia for cesarean section in a Serbian obstetric Hospital.  American Society of Anesthesiology, San Francisco, CA, October 12-16, 2013 (Poster presentation)  A4141. (10/15/13)

  • Srofenyoh E, Owen M, Olufolabi A. Measuring performance of a continuous quality improvement program designed to reduce maternal mortality in a regional referral institution in Ghana. Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology 45th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April, 2013. Abstract#BP4 (oral presentation-best paper session)

  • Pujic B, Velickovic  I, Baysinger C, Owen M. Regional Anesthesia for Caesarean Section in a Serbian Obstetric Hospital Before and After a Collaborative Teaching Program. Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology 45th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April, 2013. Abstract#S12 (Poster)

  • Onuoha O, Srofenyoh E, Ramaswamy R, Ahiapokpor E, Owen M. The Effect of Resource Improvement on the Decision-to-Delivery and Post-Anesthesia Care Unit Time Intervals in a Low-Resource Setting. Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology 45th Annual Meeting, San Juan, Puerto Rico, April, 2013. Abstract #F36 (Poster – SOAP/Kybele International Outreach Grant)


  • Owen M, Olufolabi A, Ross V, Srofenyoh E, Ivester T, Engmann C. Improving obstetric and neonatal care in Ghana using a multidisciplinary approach and continuous quality improvement. Society for Obstetric Anesthesiology and Perinatology 43th Annual Meeting, Lake Las Vegas, NV, April, 2011. Abstract#144 (oral presentation-best paper session)


  • Engmann CM, Olufolabi A, Srofenyoh E, Owen, M. Multidisciplinary team partnerships to strengthen maternal and neonatal health and improve outcome: The Kybele experience. 138th APHA Annual Meeting, Denver, CO, November 2010. Abstract#222067 (poster)


  • Owen MD, Olufolabi AJ, Srofenyoh E, Kumah J, Ross V H, George R, Pilot Program to Introduce Spinal Labor Analgesia in a West African Hospital.  SOAP 2009 Abstract A-49.

  • Bookman L, Engmann C, Laryea C, Srofenyoh E, Randolph G, MPH, Owen M, Price W, Barker, P. Establishing a Hospital-based Neonatal Resuscitation Program in Ghana.  Pediatric Academic Societies’: Abstract #750638 [2009] [2505.7]

  • Owen MD, Olufolabi AJ, Muir H, Ross VH, Gore-Hickman W, Kumar J. Anesthesia for Cesarean Section at a Tertiary Hospital in Accra, Ghana: The Results of an International Collaboration. SOAP 2009 Abstract A-32.


  • Ninidze N, Clyne B, Owen M.  Survey of obstetric anesthesia practices in Georgia.  Anesth Analg 2008; 106:A-127.

  • Clyne B, Ninidze N, Owen M.  Regional anesthesia in Georgian obstetrics after Kybele educational program.  Anesth Analg 2008; 106:A-128.


  • Kopic DB, Sedensky M, Karelovic D, Balic I, Owen MD.  Regional anesthesia in Croatian obstetrics after Kybele education program.  Anesthesiology 2007; 106:A29.

  • Amroyan A, Millar S, Owen MD.  Survey of obstetric anesthesia practices in Armenia.  Anesthesiology 2007; 106:A60.

  • Councilman-Gonzalez LM, Clyne BB, Schultz JR, Owen MD. Initiating an obstetric anesthesia collaboration to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality in Republic of Georgia.  Anesthesiology 2007; 106:A-222.

  • Emweronu-Laryea C, Engmann C, Lu Tsui-shan, M.Sc, Owen MD, Segbefia C, Osafo A, Bose C. Change in Participant Knowledge of Neonatal Resuscitation Following the Introduction of a Neonatal Training Course in Ghana.  Pediatric Academic Societies: Abstract #750824 [2007] [8413.3]


  • Perkovic M, Kopic D, Owen MD, Ujevic A, Perkovic S. Evaluation of Kybele program for Croatia.  Anesthesiology 2006: 104:A49.


  • Oluflabi AJ, Owen MD, Ross VH, Thorp J, Boni F. Initiating an obstetric anesthesia collaboration to reduce maternal and neonatal mortality in Ghana.  Anesthesiology 2005; 102(1) SOAP A-80.

  • Breen TW, Owen MD, Sahin S, Ucer S, Sedensky MM. Kybele: Obstetric anesthesia outreach to Turkey 2004.  Anesthesiology 2005; 102(1): SOAP A-94.


  • Kopic D, Owen MD, Manestar M, Loncaric S. Survey of obstetric anesthesia practices in Croatia. Anesthesiology 2004; 100:A67.


  • Owen MD, Sahin S, Uckunkaya N. Research: An innovative tool for initiating an obstetric anesthesia service.  Anesthesiology 2002; 96 (Suppl1): P-3

  • Owen MD, Sahin S, Aypar U, James R. Developing outcome measures for obstetric anesthesia education.  Anesthesiology 2002; 96(Suppl1): P-4